Allman Music Discount Band and Orchestra Musical Instruments and Equipment Allman Music Discount Musical Instruments, Pro Sound Systems and Equipment
Optional GSO Ranks:
Unless Otherwise Noted, The Ranks Are Stereo and Trem Sampled

UGSF Clarinet Aeolian (G Clark, Kent Allman) 10 Mb
UGSF Clarinet-Stereo-Wurli2-JoeHardy.gig 94 Mb 04/02/08
UGSF Diapason (Open) WurliTzer (J Henry, Kent Allman) 25 Mb
UGSF Diapason, Horn Celeste (Stereo) Wurlitzer (JoeHardy) 78 Mb 01/10/08
UGSF Eng Post Horn  WurliTzer (E Hayek, Kent Allman) 28 Mb
UGSF Eng Post Horn WurliTzer (Joe Hardy) 4 Mb
UGSF Krumet Unknown (Mono) (Joe Hardy) 15 Mb
UGSF Orchestral Oboe (Stereo) WurliTzer (JoeHardy) 65 Mb   03/04/08
UGSF Tibia Clausa WurliTzer (E Hayek, Kent Allman) 55 Mb
UGSF Tibia Clausa (Solo) WurliTzer (Stereo) (Joe Hardy) 128 Mb
UGSF SoloTibia-Mono-Wurli2-JoeHardy.gig 63 Mb  01/14/08
UGSF Tuba Horn WurliTzer (Joe Hardy) 12 Mb
UGSF Tuba (Ophicleide) Unkown (Mono) (Joe Hardy) 5 Mb
UGSF Violin Robert Morton (Kent Allman) 29 Mb
UGSF Violin Celeste Robert Morton (Kent Allman) 29 Mb
UGSF VDO Kimball (Mono) (Joe Hardy) 46 Mb   03/04/08
UGSF Vox Humana WurliTzer (E Hayek,  Kent Allman) 12 Mb
UGSF VoxMain-Stereo-Wurli2-JoeHardy.gig 67 Mb  01/14/08
UGSF Vox2Rk-Mono-Wurli-JoeHardy.gig 38 Mb  01/14/08
UGSF VoxMain-Mono-Wurli2-JoeHardy.gig 33 Mb  01/14/08
Multiple Ranks
UGSF Full Organ WurliTzer (Joe Hardy) 4 Mb 83.3 Mb  05/15/08
UGSF HornDiapCel+Flues-Stereo-Wurli-JoeHardy.gig 83 Mb  05/15/08
UGSF Reeds Eight Ranks WurliTzer (Joe Hardy) 4 Mb
UGSF Strings Eleven Ranks WurliTzer (Joe Hardy) 5 Mb
UGSF Great 05 Senate-JoeHardy.gig 198 Mb  05/15/08
UGSF Full Strings-Senate-JoeHardy.gig 177 Mb   05/15/08
UGSF Strings 8-Senate-JoeHardy.gig 244 Mb 05/15/08
UGSF Full Bells-Senate-JoeHardy.gig 147 Mb  05/15/08
Percussion / Traps
UGSF Traps Toy Counter WurliTzer (Stereo) (Joe Hardy) 46 Mb  03/04/08
UGSF Chrysoglott  Unknown (Joe Hardy) 22 Mb
UGSF Chrysoglott-Stereo-Wurli-(jh)JoeHardy.gig 24Mb   02/3/08
UGSF Chrysoglott-Stereo-Wurli2-JoeHardy.gig 27Mb   02/3/08
UGSF Wood Harp Unknown (Mono) (Joe Hardy) 10 Mb
UGSF Chimes-Stereo-Wurli2-JoeHardy.gig 72Mb  01/10/08
UGSF Glockenspiel-Stereo-Wurli2-JoeHardy.gig 20Mb  01/10/08
UGSF Marimba-Stereo-Wurli2-JoeHardy.gig 67Mb  01/10/08
UGSF Harp Marimba 8 Stereo-Wurli2.JoeHardy.gig 68 Mb  05/15/08
UGSF SleighBells-Stereo-Wurli2-JoeHardy.gig 31Mb  01/10/08
UGSF Xylophone-Stereo-Wurli2-JoeHardy.gig 6Mb   01/10/08
UGSF Piano-Stereo-Dual-JoeHardy.gig 131 Mb  02/3/08
UGSF Lafayette Theatre Impluse Convolution Reverb References (Various loud bangs) (7/20/07)
For Information Please Call :
(727) 804-9753 M-F 8am - 9pm EST
(727) 821-5565 (Fax)

This page was last updated on: May 21, 2008
Allman Music Sells Discount: Baritones / Euphoniums, Bassoons, Bugles, Cellos, Clarinets, Cornets, Flutes, French Horns, Flugel Horns, Keyboards, Oboes, Saxophones,  Sousaphones, Tubas, Trumpets, Trombones, Violins, and Violas from: Amati, Bach, Barclay, Barrington, Besson, Blessing, Bohland-Fuchs, Buffet, Cerveny, ConnGemeinhardt, Getzen, Hofner, Holton, Iolite, Jupiter, King, Keilwerth, Maestro, Monique, Olds, Paesold, Schreiber, Schroetter, Selmer, Steltz, Stevens, Stowasser, Strunal, Winston and Yamaha
Discount Professional Sound Equipment by: Eminence, Electro Voice, Lynx, Nady, Peavey, Pyle & Pyramid
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Allman Music Sells Discount: Baritones / Euphoniums, Bassoons, Bugles, Cellos, Clarinets, Cornets, Flutes, French Horns, Flugel Horns, Keyboards, Oboes, Saxophones, miditzer, virtual, organ, Sousaphones, Tubas, Trumpets, Trombones, Violins, and Violas from:  Amati, Bach, Barclay, Barrington, Besson, Blessing, Buffet, Cerveny, Conn, DEG, Emerson, Gemeinhardt, Getzen, Hofner, Holton, Iolite, Jupiter, King, Keilwerth, Maestro, Monique, Olds, Paesold, Schreiber, Schroetter, Selmer, Steltz, Stevens, Stowasser, Strunal, Winston and Yamaha   Discount Professional Sound Equipment by:  Eminence, Electro Voice, Lynx, Nady, Peavey, Pyle
Miditzer, jOrgan, Virtual, Midi, Theater Organ, Theatre Organ, Hauptwerk, Classical Organ, Electronic Organ, Synth, Synthesizer
2, 3 and 4 Manual JOrgan, Hauptwerk, Miditzer Key Desks with Pistons and with true 2nd Touch Keyboards.
Also Available
1 up to 2 Full Bolster + 2 - 1/2 Bolster S.A.M. Stop Rails for Virtual Organs and Console Upgrades.

Allman Music Virtual Organ Page
Allman Music Miditzer Page
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Symphonic IV List of Updates
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Allman Music Keyboard Page
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Hauptwerk (Crumhorn Labs)
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Walnut Hill Theatre Organ Pages
Manasota Theatre Organ Society
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Owen Jones Theatre Organ Pages
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Universal VTPO Sound Font (USF) Project
Universal Gigastudio (UGSF) Project
Virtual Organ Speaker Concepts
MidiTzer Linux Project
JOrgan Web site
Virtual Theatre Pipe Organ Universal GigaStudio  Sound Files
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The Theatre-sf Group is all about Virtual Theatre Pipe Organs
Universal VTPO Stereo Gigastudio Project Rank List
Most Ranks are individually stereo sampled note by note with a few exceptions. Many of the Ranks have also been recorded with Sampled Tremulant.

Please Note, the UGSF project is in a very early stage of development.  Please check back often for additions and updates.

Items shown in Blue below are currently available for download.
Click Here to go to the Song Download Page to Listen to the MidiTzer, Symphonic IV and Theatre Pipe Organs
Download Section for the VTPO Universal GigaStudio Files
File Download Area
Please Note, this set of Gigastudio files is in a very early stage of development.  Please check back often for additions and updates
Items shown in Blue below are currently available for download.
Some of these files are quite large and will take a very long of time to download unless you have a Cable or DSL high speed connection
Full Size Light Wood Console
Allman Music Symphonic IV Large
Universal VTPO Giga Studio Sound Files Project

   There has been a lot of discussion in the forums over the need for a high quality Stereo Theatre Pipe Organ sound files.  Joseph Hardy has created and generously donated many fine stereo Virtual Theatre Pipe Organ (VTPO) ranks in the Gigastudio format shown below.  Joe has also contributed a great number of ranks to the USF and has converted many of the existing USF sound font ranks into GS format for you to use.

If you would like to contribute to the Gigastudio Format (GSF) or Universal Sound Font (USF) project
The FTP link is: For IE 6 and earlier, when the link opens simply copy the file from your computer and paste it on to the open FTP page window where you will see an existing instruction file there already, be sure to paste on an open, blank area on the page, not on or over top of the instruction file or other files. If you try to paste over an area near one of the existing files your "paste" option will be grayed out and won't work.  For IE 7 once you've clicked on the link and are on the FTP page, click on "View" and "Open FTP page in Explorer" then paste your files to a blank area on the page. Be Sure that the Internet Explorer: Tools\Internet Options\Advanced\"Use Passive FTP (for firewall and DSL Modem compatibility)" is turned on (checked).   Please email me with the details of your upload at:
With your help we can bring very high quality free stereo sound files to life for our VTPO community that we can all use and enjoy with our MidiTzer and jOrgans.
Best Regards,
Kent Allman
Click here to join SymphIV
Click to join SymphIV
The SymphIV Group is for people using or interested in using the Allman Symphonic or Theatre Series of jOrgan Consoles
A Very Special Thanks to all of the Contributors to the Universal Sound Font and Giga Studio File Project
Joseph Hardy, Eugene "Don" Hayek, Francois Ratte, John Tay, Gerald Clark, Bill Shrive, Jim Henry, Dennis Werkmeister, Johnnie June Harris and Jim King
By downloading or using the files posted on this website, you acknowledge
and agree to the following licensing terms:

· All content is protected by copyright with all rights reserved to the
author of said content.
· You may use the provided samples, instrument definitions and support files
as you see fit for your own exclusive personal use.
· No commercial use is permitted.  You may not give, trade or sell any of
the provided samples, instrument definitions or support files, in whole or
in part, to any other person or entity without prior written consent from
the author.
What this basically means is that you can use these sound files and / or programs to perform with and to be compensated for your performance and recordings if you choose to do so.  You cannot sell or incorporate any portion of these programs or sound files into any commercial application, hardware, software or firmware without an express written agreement(s) from the author(s) of a work, Allman Music and / or  jOrgan and the owners of the various utility support programs.
GigaStudio Sound and Support Files for the MidiTzer 216 and 260SP

Ranks for MidiTzer 216

UGSF Flute (Concert) WurliTzer (Mono, C/C#) (Joe Hardy) 20 Mb  11/17/07
UGSF Diapason (Diaphonic) WurliTzer (J Henry, Joe Hardy) 141 Mb  02/03/08
UGSF Tuba Horn WurliTzer (J Henry, Joe Hardy) 77 Mb  11/09/07
UGSF VDO WurliTzer (Joe Hardy) 7 Mb  Original
UGSF Strings Eleven Ranks WurliTzer (Joe Hardy) 5 Mb  Original
UGSF Vox Humana WurliTzer (Joe Hardy) 8 Mb  Original
UGSF Tibia Clausa (Solo) WurliTzer (Joe Hardy) 8 Mb  Original
UGSF Clarinet Unknown (Mono, C/C#) (Joe Hardy) 24 Mb  11/17/07
UGSF Oboe (Orchestral) Page (Kent Allman) 19 Mb  11/15/07
UGSF Eng Post Horn WurliTzer (J Henry, Joe Hardy) 68 Mb  Original

Additional Ranks for MidiTzer 260sp

UGSF Diapason (Open) WurliTzer (J Henry, Joe Hardy) 79 Mb  11/11/07
USGF Musette WurliTzer (J Henry Joe Hardy) 71 Mb  11/08/07
UGSF Tibia Dolce Unkown (Mono, C/C#) (Joe Hardy) 8 Mb  Original
UGSF Saxophone (Brass) WurliTzer (J Henry, Joe Hardy 70 Mb  11/08/07
UGSF Trumpet (Brass) WurliTzer (J Henry, Joe Hardy) 67 Mb  11/08/07
USGF Gamba WurliTzer (J Henry Joe Hardy) 85 Mb  11/08/07
USGF Quintadena WurliTzer (Mono, C/C#) (Joe Hardy) 11 Mb  Original
USGF Oboe (Horn) Barton (Joe Hardy) 89 Mb  11/17/07
USGF Kinura WurliTzer (J Henry, Joe Hardy 60 Mb  11/08/07

Percussion / Traps for MidiTzer 216

UGSF Traps Toy Counter Barton (Joe Hardy) 11 Mb  Original
UGSF Marimba Unknown (Mono) (Joe Hardy) 20 Mb  11/17/07
UGSF Chimes Unknown (JoeHardy) 3 Mb  11/17/07
UGSF Xylophone Barton (Joe Hardy) 4 Mb  11/17/07
UGSF Glockenspiel Unknown (Mono)  (Joe Hardy) 4 Mb 11/17/07
UGSF Chrysoglott WurliTzer (J Henry, Joe Hardy) 24 Mb  11/17/07

Additional Percussion for MidiTzer 260sp

UGSF Vibraphone WurliTzer (Mono) (Joe Hardy) 7 Mb  Original
UGSF Piano Barton (Joe Hardy) 103 Mb  Original

Mono (C /C# with Octave Cycling) Versions of Ranks

UGSF Diapason (Diaphonic) WurliTzer (Mono) (J Henry, Joe Hardy) 72 Mb  11/27/07
UGSF Diapason, Open (Mono) Wurlitzer (J Henry, JoeHardy) 37 Mb 11/27/07
UGSF Tuba Horn (Mono) WurliTzer (J Henry, JoeHardy) 37 Mb 11/27/07
UGSF VDO WurliTzer (Mono) (Joe Hardy)  4 Mb  11/27/07
UGSF VDO Celeste WurliTzer (Mono) (Joe Hardy) 4 Mb  11/27/07
UGSF Vox Humana WurliTzer (Mono) (Joe Hardy) 4 Mb 11/27/07
UGSF Tibia Clausa (Solo) WurliTzer (Mono) (Joe Hardy) 4 Mb  11/27/07
UGSF Oboe (Orchestral) Page (Mono) (Kent Allman) 9 Mb  11/27/07
UGSF Eng Post Horn WurliTzer (Mono) (J Henry, Joe Hardy) 34 Mb  11/27/07
USGF Musette WurliTzer (Mono) (J Henry Joe Hardy) 36 Mb  11/27/07
UGSF Saxophone (Brass) WurliTzer (Mono) (J Henry, Joe Hardy 35 Mb  11/27/07
UGSF Trumpet (Brass) WurliTzer (Mono) (J Henry, Joe Hardy) 33 Mb  11/27/07
USGF Gamba WurliTzer (Mono) (J Henry Joe Hardy) 43 Mb  11/27/07
USGF Oboe (Horn) Barton (Mono) (Joe Hardy) 36 Mb  11/27/07
USGF Kinura WurliTzer (Mono) (J Henry, Joe Hardy 30 Mb  11/27/07

Mono Percussions
UGSF Chrysoglott WurliTzer Mono (J Henry, Joe Hardy) 11 Mb 11/27/07
UGSF Piano Barton (Mono) (Joe Hardy) 55 Mb
UGSF Xylophone Barton (Mono) (Joe Hardy) 2 Mb

GigaStudio and MidiTzer Support Files
UGSF Brief Demo mp3 11/17/07

UGSF MidiTzer-GSO Instructions, v8.doc 01/14/08

Francois Ratte's MidiTzer GSO setup Web Page

UGSF W260-C-M21-GP.gsp
UGSF W260-C-M21-NFX.gsp
UGSF W260-C-M51-GP.gsp
UGSF W260-C-M51-NFX.gsp
UGSF W260-C-M71-GP.gsp
UGSF W260-C-M71-NFX.gsp
UGSF W260-C-M91-GP.gsp
UGSF W260-C-S21-GP.gsp
UGSF W260-C-S21-NFX.gsp
UGSF W260-C-S51-GP.gsp
UGSF W260-C-S51-NFX.gsp
UGSF W260-C-S71-GP.gsp
UGSF W260-C-S71-NFX.gsp
UGSF W260-C-S91-GP.gsp

UGSF Audio Routing Table For Miditzer 11/17/07
MidiTzer GSO Setup
MidiTzer GSO Setup
MidiTzer GSO Setup
MidiTzer GSO Setup
MidiTzer GSO Setup
MidiTzer GSO Setup
MidiTzer GSO Setup